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Customer Testimonials

What our customers say about our work

We love to hear what our customers say about our work. Our primary focus is to ensure that each and every job that we do is at a very high quality with no cut corners.

All feed back listed below has been taken from our CheckATrade page and has been monitored and vetted according with their terms and conditions. If you wish to leave feedback please click on the feedback button.

Excellent service. Excellent work. Would recommend.

Excellent work and customer service. Reasonable prices.

Incredible care and pride in his work. The repair was carried out to the highest standard.

I found Adam to be very professional and very good at his job…. I needed a little more work then he thought from the photos I provided him with, he talked it through with me and I’m very pleased with the result. Would definitely recommend him

Excellent service from a highly skilled operative

Amazing, Andy turned up early, got the job done quickly and absolutely perfect results on a difficult area to get to! Top Marks!

BRILLIANT : Fantastic job ,excellent price saved me a lot of money Would recommend Dentless to anyone

Perfect job. Very skilful and good attention to the finish. No idea how he got that crease out but you can’t see where it was and it was a nasty dent

Adam was recommended to us due to excellent work and service provided and we would pass on recommendation again

Very polite, fast and professional

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